What is our quality management?
Why do we need a quality management regarding our student homes, and how do we all profit from the quality
management and the ISO 9001?
Long-term and sustainable thinking is crucial for success in today's time, no matter the size of a firm.
But sustainability also means that we always need new innovation, and there will always be risks.
When handling buildings, the formula to success is defined in a relatively simple way: Those who rent our
apartments, as well as the banks, have to be happy.
Until a short while ago, the banks rated a building depending on its location and condition.
The concept or what we do with the building was never interesting for them.
Those who considered renting our apartments also only looked at these two things, since they could not judge anything else before thy
moved in.
However, a lot changed since the Basel II has been introduced. Those who want to rent out apartments now have an advantage,
since they can put their rating over others' rating through open communications and a long-term concept.
At least they can secure a long-term, reliable partner in a time of fast changes.
Because: relaibility is positive for everyone involved.
However, to reach a better rating, we have to be able to test if our concept works, and will work in the long run.
Are we really better than others?
This is where those who rent our apartments get involved.
- They play a central role in quality management.
- Through their evaluation they influence the implementation of the quality guidelines.
- They profit from a high-quality product (in this cas our apartments), and this is the main concept of the ISO 9000 complex.
So those who rent our apartments will be happier - and this means that the banks will be happier too.
And since sustainablility is positive for everyone, it's worth the effort for everyone.
Regarding www.studentenwohnheime-muc.de, this means:
Restructuring our relatively "small business" will take years: it is complex and affects many areas, and we do not have the manpower to
restructure within a short period of time - we have to concentrate on several things at once, and restructuring is just one of them.
Document management, complaintmanagement and other technicalities have already been set up.
This means that we can already see how long you have to wait until your request is processed.
Now we have to establish quality guidelines and survey our clients about their experience with us.
Then we have to develop solutions to possible problems and to counter critique. How can we achieve the best
possible results?
Furthermore we have to implement changes and regularly check if the changes are being made.
Our early, and very first try at, quality guidelines includes:
- Flexibility: how fast can we react to changes in your plans as tenants? (Such as extending or shortening contracts.)
- We want to offer everything necessary, such as electricity, telephone, internet, etc., from the very beginning. This is
to make sure the you do not have to worry about organizing all these things in a strange city, in a foreign language.
- Cleanliness: We know that we are no 5-star hotel. But our rooms an aparrtments can never be uncomfortable or disgusting.
We aim to provide clean and proper apartments in the centre of Munich.
- Mistakes happen, we cannot avoid that. But we aim to correct our mistakes in a short period of time, and to
make sure that you always understand that we are trying to find a solution.
Not only the speed is important in this process: there is nothing worse than to be left in the dark about when a problem
will be solved. This has to be communicated as openly as possible.
- Predictability: the tenant should be able to calculate how much he has to pay at the end - and he should know this
from the time he books our apartments. He should also be happy with what we charged even after he moved out,
so that he can recommend us to his friends.
We want everyone to leave our student homes feeling that it was a good decision to book a room at