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How does everything work?

We take care of four student halls of residence in the best- central- areas of Munich. We let rooms exclusively in context of studies. Especially for interns, students who about to take their diploma, and student teachers…this means we try to help short term residents for 8 months as it is difficult to find a temporary hire contract at the housing market. In addition, hotels are usually too expensive.

This is how it works…

The reservation:

Basically you can reserve and book rooms per phone or internet. There is no problem for us with that and you probably save time with travelling to Munich. However, bear in mind, that you can reserve and book rooms without seeing it before, and then risk to be unsatisfied. If need to be you check out the building you want to move in and knock at the door of the current renter to look in their room- certainly you can have a look in the room.

Move- in:

If you already have an internet reservation or a hire contract, then you will call the caretaker (+49-163- 8952091 or +49-163- 8952090) 1-2 days before you move in (usually on the 1.of a month) to arrange a time for getting the keys, room, and instructions. You can find further phone numbers if needed in your hire contract or reservation confirmation. It is not possible to move in before the 1.of a month. If necessary you have to talk to the previous renter to check when he or she moves out, and then you could only move in if we do not have to do any renovations in that room.

What do I have to bring with me? You have to bring along sanitary products, especially blanket, bed- linen, towels, and crockery.

The handing over:The room will be handed over only after payment of deposit. When you transfer the deposit, pay attention to take stamped receipt of your bank, as it could take 2 weeks until our accounting department see your payment. As an alternative, you can also pay the deposit cash, and you get a receipt from us, which you definitely have to keep. If you have not done so far per fax or email (e.g. with internet reservation), you have to hand in your internship contract. When the formalities are sorted out, you will get the keys.

In case of defects: You have to tell us as soon as possible about defects in the room for your own doubtlessness.

Rule of thumb: In the first fourteen days, the credibility is high that the defect had been already there. To claim a broken window, has always been broken, one week before moving out will not work. At the same time one basic principle counts: Normal use like a mark on the wall, or a scratch on the floor etc. - you do not have to report all these things to us. The 150 Euro flat rate contains these things anyway. For your own protection you should report us when you recognize that a window has a crack, or a shelf is broken etc. all in all everything which looks like it has been broken on purpose. Furthermore, you can tell us when something needs to be repaired. For example, when the phone is broken or a bulb is defect.

The easiest way to tell us a defect is to use our complaint management via the internet.

The status of the room when moving in:

We try to check the rooms for any necessary renovation work before a new renter moves in. Nevertheless, you have to consider, we do not renovate and paint all the time after our renters moved out- this does not make sense, as most of the time the renters stay only for a few months to do an internship. Besides that, it is not payable. That is why we try to hand over a room/ apartment without any defects, and that we do not have to have a bad conscience. Depending on how your previous renter dealt with the room/ apartment, it could come to a worst-case scenario, and we will not make to renovate the room on time. In this case, we will try to find together with you a solution. Most of the time we change, and you can move in another, tidy room.

After the move- in:

What do I have to consider with use of equipment?

With using the equipment in the houses there are technical differences, however normally there are following “principles”:

Telephone system: You have to dial a 0 before the phone number to get a trunk line. In Clemensstrasse and Emanuelstrasse there are analogue- lines (MODEM) - in Gabelsbergerstrasse there are ISDN- lines (ISDN- card). Phones are available.

Internet per W- LAN: Codification: WEP 64 Bit, HEX: A9 87 65 43 21

Instructions for using the internet- please click here

Internet per cable (Gabelsberger Str. / partly at Emanuelstr.): normal Ethernet- adapter

Garbage: In Munich, you have to separate garbage. Please pay attention to correct separation.

The technique: A Bus- system is in use at Gabelsbergerstr. What is this thing actually doing?

Visitation: Visitors over night have to be registered! The easiest way to do this is via the internet page. No questions, just register!

For the rest the rules of the house count.

Notice of cancellation:

A cancellation has to be done by certified mail or via internet. You have to keep on paying your rent though you cancelled your contract. We cannot allocate the rent with deposit- this can become very expensive with reminders of 15 Euro each! If you want to cancel your contract earlier then give us a call. Usually you can get out of your contract within 3- 4 weeks, as we always have a waiting list with new potential renters. Subletting is not allowed!

Move- out:

When you move out you have to clean your room WELL, to not getting a deduction of your deposit. We look especially careful at the wash- basin, and floor tile, as far as available the kitchen. In addition, the whole floor and baseboards have to be tidy. Wash your sofa cover- 30 degree is easy to do (please do this at launderette due to their large drums). If you forget to do this, we will bring the cover to launderette, and we will charge you 20 Euro for this.

The deposit payment: For the deposit payment, we need about 5- 6 weeks. You will get your money transferred or by check, and you get a deposit bill by post. You can accelerate this procedure when you do the “move- in” report and “move- out” report on your own per internet. By the way, we will deduct your last month electricity and phone rate (as far as used) of the deposit. This will accelerate the billing, because we do not have to wait until you have transferred the money.